Thursday, October 23, 2008

Asian Beach Games News (update)

Battle for Gold
(October 23, 2008)

18 athletes from four countries will compete for the victory of gold in Asian Beach Games I jet ski in Tirta Arum Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali, 23-25 October 2008. The four countries are Thailand with eight athletes, Kuwait and Lebanon each with one jet skier and the host, Indonesia with eight athletes. All participants will compete for four gold medals in four categories of Runabout 800cc Super Stock, Ski, Runabout and Runabout Endurance Open. Indonesia and Thailand are the largest participants in jet ski, and Indonesia as the host is the favorite victor candidate on the competition.

Eight of the Indonesian jet skiers are Aringga Nirwan, Aero Stan Aswar (Runabout 800cc Super Stock, Irwansyah Adi Pratama, Aqsa Sutan Aswar (Ski), Martin Nugroho, Rocky Saputra (Runabout), Resya Ardiansyah, and Temmy Fitramsyah Iskandar (Runabaut Endurance Open)

From : antara

Beach Pencak Silat Wrapped up
(October 24, 2008)

Indonesia racked up most medals from beach pencak silat in Asian Beach Games (ABG) with five gold and two bronze. In the last pencak match in Benoa Bay, Nusa Dua, Indonesia secures another three gold medals.

Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand, earned one gold medal each. Malaysia won over Thailand 4-1 after a tight duel between Faizal Abdullah and Sakda Rungsombat. Meanwhile, Vietnam got one gold medal when Nga Latip in woman A category won over Malaysian athlete, Rina Jordana Haji Adnan by 5-0. Thailand got their gold medal in men’s A category when Niphon Jantaro won over Brunei’s Amirul Ahat, 5-0. In a previous match, Ahat defeated Indonesian best fighter, Diyan Kristianto, in a knock out. Indonesian Pencak Silat team manager, Bambang Rus Effendi, said that the success exceeded the target. “Our target is four medals but we won five,” he said.

From :


Asian Beach Games
Bali 2008


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